Professor Stephen Mann FRS
Personal Information
Family name, First name: MANN, STEPHEN
Date of birth: 01/04/1955
PhD Award Date: 1982; Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory, University of Oxford, UK
Current Positions
Professor of Chemistry, University of Bristol, UK. Co-Director of the Max Planck-Bristol Centre for Minimal Biology, Director, Centre for Organized Matter Chemistry, University of Bristol, UK. Director, Centre for Protolife Research, University of Bristol, UK. ex-Principal, Bristol Centre for Functional Nanomaterials, University of Bristol, UK.
Previous Positions
Professor in Chemistry, University of Bath, UK (1990-1998)
Fellowships and Awards
Member of Academia Europaea (2020). RSC Nyholm Medal (2018); Davy Medal, Royal Society (2016). Bauerman Medal, Department of Materials, Imperial College, London (2016). L. G. Knafel Fellow, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University, USA (2011-2012). Royal Society of Chemistry, de Gennes Prize and Medal (2011). Chemical Society of France (SCF) French-British Prize (2011). European Research Council, Advanced Grant (2011-2016; 2017-2023). Royal Society Senior Fellowship: Wolfson Research Merit Award (2006-2011). Joseph Chatt Lecture and Medal, Royal Society of Chemistry (2007-2008). Fellow of the Royal Society, UK (2003). Royal Society of Chemistry Interdisciplinary Award (1999). Max-Planck Society/Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Research Award (1998-2003). Fellow Royal Society of Chemistry (1996). Corday-Morgan Medal, Royal Society of Chemistry (1993). EPA Junior Research Fellowship, Keble College, Oxford, UK (1981-1984). Royal Society of Arts, Silver Medal Award, UMIST (1976)
Visiting Professorships
Centre for Advanced Studies, Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich (2018). Harvard University (2011-12). College de France (2009). University of California, Santa Barbara (1993-94). Weizmann Institute of Science (1988).
Named Lectureships
Master Distinguished Lectures, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, (2018, 2023). Nyholm Prize Lecture, University of Manchester, April 2019. Bauerman Lecture, Department of Materials, Imperial College, London, April 2016. Albert Szent-Györgyi Distinguished Lecture, Eötvös Loránd University/Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary (2015). Xingda Lecture, Peking University, China (2014). Kavali Lecture in Bionanoscience, Harvard University, USA (2012). Daniell Lecture, University College London (2005). Dow Distinguished Lecture in Materials Science, North Western University, USA (2000). Barre Lecture, University of Montreal, Canada (2000). Soiree Lecture, Royal Institution of Great Britain, UK (2000).
Institutional Responsibilities
Bristol International Research Partnership Academic Review Panel (2020-23). Scientific Steering Committee, Bristol Synthetic Biology (2014-19). University of Bristol Governing Body (Council) (2014-17).
Commissions of Trust
Member of the Scientific Advisory Board, Origins Excellence Cluster, Emergence of Life, Germany (2021). Member of the Royal Society Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellowship Panel (2021-2023). Royal Society Physical Sciences Award Committee (2020-23). Royal Society Research Professorship Panel (2018-2020). Chair of Sectional Committee 3, Royal Society (2015-17). Inaugural member, Physical, Chemical and Mathematical Sciences Committee, Science Europe (2012-15). Head of Scientific Advisory Board, Frontier Engineering Centre for Nature Inspired Engineering, University College, London, UK (2014). Vice-Chancellor Review Board for School of Chemistry, University of Birmingham, UK (2014). EPSRC Physical Sciences Panel: Chemistry Theme (2010). Member of Sectional Committee 3, Royal Society (2006-2009). Member of the UK Research Assessment Exercise Committee (Panel E) (2005-2008). University Research Fellowship Committee, Royal Society (2003-06). Royal Society International Travel Grants Committee (2003-07).
Memberships of Scientific Societies
Member of Academia Europaea (2020). Fellow of the Royal Society, UK (2003). Member of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (1998). Fellow Royal Society of Chemistry (1996).
European Activities and Awards
Member of Academia Europaea (2020). Physical, Chemical and Mathematical Sciences Committee, Science Europe (2012-15). Chemical Society of France (SCF) French-British Prize (2011). Visiting professor, College de France (2009). Max-Planck Society/Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Research Award (1998-2003). Member of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (1998-). Vinci of Excellence Trophy, Science for Art Prize, Paris (1996).
Publications and Citations
Total publications (550), H-index (135), total citations (73,000), citations per paper (130), citations per year 2005-2022 (>2700). Prof Mann was listed in (2023) as 102 in the world ranking (4th in the UK; D index = 139) for Chemistry; 130 in the world (6th in the UK; D index = 137) for Materials.
Stephen Mann is Professor of Chemistry, co-Director of the Max Planck Bristol Centre for Minimal Biology, and Director of the Centres for Organized Matter Chemistry and Protolife Research at the University of Bristol, UK. He is also Chair Professor in the School of Materials Science and Engineering and Zhangjiang Institute for Advanced Study at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China. Professor Mann is distinguished for contributions to biomineralization, bioinspired materials chemistry and protocell research. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society UK, Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, and a Member of Academia Europaea and the European Academy of Sciences and Arts. He has received awards from the Royal Society of Chemistry (de Gennes Prize; SCF French-British Prize; Nyholm Medal) and has been a visiting professor at the College de France and Harvard University. He was awarded the Royal Society Davy Medal in 2016. Professor Mann has published over 550 scientific papers with an h-index of 134 and have been listed in the top 0.01% of cited scientists. Professor Mann’s current research focuses on the development of synthetic protobiology and the transition from non-living to living matter. He has presented over 125 invited and plenary talks at international conferences, often in Europe.
Professor Mann has won numerous awards and fellowships, and participated in UK and European commissions of trust, including the national research assessment committee (2005-08) and more recently, as an inaugural member of Science Europe based in Brussels (see above for details). He was co-founder of the company, Protein Magnetics (1993), and has served on the Editorial Advisory boards of many scientific journals including Chemical Sciences (2010), Journal of Biomaterials and Nanobiotechnology (2010), Small (2004-), Advanced Materials (1993-2013), J. Materials Chemistry (2001-04), Accounts of Chemical Research (2005-08), Crystal Growth and Design (2000-02), Crystal Engineering Communications (1995-2005), Journal of Structural Biology (1997-2002), Chemical Communications (1993-99; Associate Editor (1996-99)), Mater. Sci. Eng. C: Biomimetic Materials (1993-2007), Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry (1992-2008). He has been a visiting Professor at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel (1988), University of California, Santa Barbara, USA (1993-94), College de France (2009) and Harvard University (2011-12). In 2014, Prof. Mann was named by Thomson Reuters as among the top 1% of scientists who are “the world’s leading scientific minds”.